
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Parent Child Interaction Therapy Gloucester Virginia
Service Description
Right now, your child may be driving you crazy to the point of pulling your hair out. They never seem to listen, always want their way, and may even throw things or hit you. School is calling you and reporting your child has problems with friends or listening to the teacher. When things are going their way, life is good. However, as soon as they need to follow your directions, a fit occurs. If they have younger siblings, you may notice them picking up on it too. You are so ready for this cycle to end as you know it could keep getting worse to the point where you can't keep your child safe or they may get kicked out of school. Imagine waking up to a child that listens to you, calms themselves down, and obeys house rules. Less letters come home from school, and the household runs smoothly. PCIT can help get your child there. Contact us today at 757-296-8794 for your complimentary consultation.